The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Parasite Cleansing

Parasite cleansing: why you most likely don't need it.

Parasite cleansing for intestinal worms and amoebic infestations is commonly promoted using fear tactics.

Cheap, poor quality psyllium and toxic herbs are sold for top dollar, often by well-meaning but not well-informed distributors, who buy from companies with slick advertising and false claims.

I am not at all suggesting that an infestation of harmful life forms invading the human digestive tract is to be taken lightly. However, we need to have an educated perspective to prevent being taken advantage of by sellers of parasite cleansing products, or harmed by use of toxic plant materials.

Parasite Cleansing:
Know Your Enemy

Parasite cleansing products are typically irritating to our digestive tract and often other areas of our bodies - but are laughed at by the creatures they are meant to kill.

Herbs like senna, cayenne, and peppermint are commonly included in such formulas. The herbs are frequently in extract form - so the active (read 'toxic') compounds are more concentrated. Worms and amoebic life forms are FAR more likely than us to thrive despite exposure to large amounts of such caustic herbs. Our bodies get harmed long before those of the invaders.

NOTE: Not only do we need to be concerned about plant toxins such as tannins, oxalates, terpenes and saponins - but also heavy metals and other environmental poisons. It is VERY typical for MANY herbs, including culinary herbs, to contain high levels of environmental toxins.

Parasite Cleansing Question

I began this article in response to a customer question:

"Which of your products addresses parasite cleansing? I'm afraid I have parasites and would like to buy something for it."

My response: Thank you for your question about parasite cleansing. This is going to be a bit round-about answer because I like to be thorough.

Too many sites engage in fear-mongering and sell psyllium and other cheap plant materials for exorbitant prices. **Note that most invasive species will survive toxins in herbal formulas meant to kill them - far better than you will!**

One thing worth noting is that you are GUESSING you MAY need parasite cleansing. Because there is no proof that you do, the risk of taking something potentially harmful to 'get rid of' a problem you don't know you have doesn't really make sense. There is much fear-mongering for the sake of selling overpriced herbs.

Another important factor is that there are always some worms, eggs, larvae that survive when parasite cleansing is undertaken. So you have just stressed your body and irritated your gut with a harsh herb protocol - now it is MORE vulnerable to damage from invading organisms of all kinds.

In most cases, it makes much more sense to build and support your body's own natural defenses.

Generally, parasites thrive in toxic, weakened people with low hydrochloric acid in their stomachs, lack of sufficient bile production (common in those eating low-fat diets) and lack of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Note that healthy bile production helps balance pH in the gut, which in itself is protective.

Good digestion and a healthy gut are our first line of defense against toxins, pathogens and harmful organisms that may enter our bodies through our foods.

For parasite cleansing, assuming you actually have them - the first steps are to optimize diet and balance your gut.

ALSO, the kind of foods you eat strongly influences the amount of harmful organisms that may enter and thrive in your gut. Eating lots of fiber leads to masses of fermenting cellulose lining gut walls - under which parasites LOVE to hide! Consuming very low to no fiber - and eating a diet primarily of pasture-raised animal-based foods will make your gut less hospitable to undesireables.

Conventional 'wisdom' likes to blame meats, fish and dairy for worms, etc., while giving plant foods a pass.

However, are you aware that you can limit ingestion of undesireable organisms by limiting plant-eating? Plant-based foods (i.e. vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and beans) are commonly infested with various species of intestinal invaders - much more so than we are told. (1)

Make sure your dairy, meats and eggs are truly 100% raised on pasture. Healthy, pasture-raised animals harbor nearly as very few harmful organisms compared to CAFO (concentrated agricultural feeding operations) animals.**

Parasite Cleansing:
Indirect Route Works Best

Parasite cleansing starts with giving the body the support needed to mount its own defense, rather than trying to 'kill' the problematic organisms or cells.

Addressing body toxicity is primary - it is the major cause of disease. All toxins tax body energy and resources needed for health.

I am a case in point. When I was severely sick with mercury toxicity, upon embarking on a serious colon-cleansing protocol, I was shocked to see parasites being expelled. Upon close examination, it was clear they were not just 'strings.'

Rather than take herbs, I stayed the course with metal detox, Amino Acids, probiotics, diet, suppository protocol and other self-care like exercise and rest.

'Parasite cleansing' was/is not needed - effective support rendered my body inhospitable to them. They diminished, and I haven't seen any for years. This despite the fact that every day,  I eat raw dairy of all kinds as well as raw grass-fed beef!

Additionally - I've been hiking barefoot in the woods for well over fifteen years, do gardening without shoes or gloves, spend lots of time around animals - and don't have a hand-washing fetish either!

Basic measures that get results are species-appropriate human diet, heavy metal detox, colon cleansing and normalizing bile production.

IMPORTANT: Most people have low hydrochloric acid - which is a first line of defense against parasites that come in with our foods. When including more meat in your diet, supplementing a little hydrochloric acid with meat meals can sometimes be of help in digestion and nutrient absorption. As your body heals, hydrochloric acid production production should normalize.

Parasite Cleansing
Supportive Products

Parasite cleansing supportive products I favor for most effective metal detox, support of bile flow and liver cleansing are:

Medicardium / Glytamins / Xeneplex


Our Amino Acids products help detox metals and chemicals - AND provide comprehensive nutrition for bodily repair:

Glutathione / All-Basic Plus / Vita-Minz


As you likely know, the answer is not to live in a bubble, but to be as healthy as possible so your body is not a welcome host for invasive organisms.

I wish you the very Best of Health!

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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