The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Ratfish Liver Oil Review

This Ratfish Liver Oil review is to share with you some most unexpected experiences of a hand-made product fresh from the seas of the northernmost tip of Norway.

Photo: Rosita Ratfishoil® 2014 - Copyright ©
A member of the Rosita team fishing.

My initial interest was in Rosita's raw, Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil - the only cod liver oil in the world classified as EXTRA virgin. 

I noticed they also had another oil, 'Ratfish Liver Oil.'** I had never heard of this. It seemed pricey for a small quantity ($185.00 for 50 ml). This I could not understand - though I must say the recommended amount of Ratfish Liver Oil for most people is only a few drops under the tongue 1 - 3 x per day. The Cod Liver Oil, only $49.00 for 150 ml was initially my main interest.

**What is a 'ratfish?' It is a generic name for Chimaera Monstrosa Linnaeus, a species that split off from the shark family some 400 million years ago. This graceful large-eyed, long tailed fish has an impressive set of fins and in Norway, lives very deep in cold waters.
NOTE: Don't let anyone tell you their 'skate oil' is from the same species. Skate oil is from a stingray-like creature in the shark family.**

A couple of facts so you understand my interest in Rosita oils:

1 - They are produced by hand, not machine - totally fresh. When a distributor places an order, the Rosita team goes fishing. This is in stark contrast to virtually every other fish oil company out there - whose oils are produced 1.5 - 2 YEARS before they are bottled!

In other words, all other companies' oils have spoiled before they are packaged! Once the spoiled oils are sanitized beyond recognition (i.e. 'molecularly distilled' etc.) YOU buy them..!!??

Did you know that with almost no exceptions, the people who run the companies you buy your fish oils from have rarely even been on a fishing boat? Much less harvested the fish and gently, reverently, by hand, removed the livers from the newly caught fish? Rosita does!

Virtually all other companies contract to buy the raw materials in bulk. Commonly, so-called 'Norwegian' oils come from other countries - like Peru and other South American countries!

2 - Another thing you likely never knew - much of what goes into many other cod-liver oils - is from species other than cod! Your 'cod-liver oil' is NOT!

The Rosita team comes from many generations of traditional Norwegian artisan fishermen (and women)! They know their fish! They harvest their Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil from only ONE species of cod! Their Ratfish Liver Oil is from only one species - Chimaera Monstrosa Linnaeus - a fish that split off from the shark family some 400 million years ago, and has been in existence since prehistoric times!

Ratfish Liver Oil Review: the Moment You've Been Waiting For!

OK, on to my personal experience…

I obtained the small size Ratfish Liver Oil (10 ml). My first dose involved simply taking 3 drops under my tongue. The taste was extremely mild and fresh - a sort of 'nutty' mild fish oil taste. 

Immediately upon taking the 3 drops, there was a feeling of it gently being taken up by the tissues of my mouth. It had a subtle, pleasant vibratory feel that seemed to expand further into the tissues as I observed.

Without swallowing the oil, I relaxed, just going about some simple tasks, and waited to see if I could feel anything.  

Within 5 minutes, unexpectedly, I felt a lovely mild tingling on either side of my nose, spreading across my cheekbones. It made me want to smile (I did). Within 10 minutes I felt - happier…!

My husband also tried the Ratfish Liver Oil at the same time I did and had a more subtle but similar experience as mine, of its extraordinary freshness and positive feel.

Buy Rosita Ratfish Liver Oil

Ratfish Liver Oil Review: Taking it to the Next Level

Photo: Rosita Ratfishoil® 2014 - Copyright ©
Fishing village in northernmost Norway.

I continued to correspond with a couple of members of the Rosita team. While no medical claims can be made, the only thing I can say is I did hear some amazing accounts of other peoples' experiences.

I asked if one could overdose on the Ratfish Liver Oil and learned that considerably more than a few drops under the tongue has been taken routinely by many people already. Ratfish Liver Oil and the fish itself has been a staple of the Rosita family and of hardy Norwegian fisherfolk for many ages - contributing to their vitality. These men and women think nothing of spending the day out on a small fishing boat, working in 20 below and colder temperatures in Winter - could YOU contemplate such a thing??

I also learned this oil may be used topically - on the skin. My next dose consisted of 4 - 6 drops under the tongue and a few drops massaged under my eyes and over my cheekbones. 

This time, the feeling was similar, but more pronounced. There is definitely a strong energetic component to my experience with Rosita Ratfish Liver Oil! This time, the lovely vibration spread deeper through the tissues of my gums, jawbone and inner buccal membranes of the mouth.

The application to the skin across my cheekbones accentuated and joined with, the feeling from inside my mouth. Best way I can describe it is a feeling of expansion, relaxation. pleasure and happiness infusing and spreading across my face and inside my head. The best way I can describe part of it was as though my cheekbones were lifting! My mood CLEARLY was elevated - almost an exalted feeling.

The other thing I noticed was that my skin REALLY likes Ratfish Liver Oil. This lovely elixir feels luxuriantly silky and delicious going on, and has a healing and penetrating quality that rivals anything else I've ever put on my skin (and I've used all manner of natural food compounds as well as some pretty exclusive and pricey 'natural' products). None of them compare with Ratfish Liver Oil! I don't know about you - but I LOVE things that bring beauty and youthfulness to my skin! 

Another benefit is because it is so mild in taste and scent, there is no 'social' problem with any 'fishy' smell on one's skin or breath.

LARGE 50 ml size:

Still hand-made the traditional way.

***Kept frozen until the moment we pack it for You.***

Raw Ratfish Liver Oil 50 ml

Ratfish Liver Oil Review - This Elixir is Really 'Getting Under My Skin!'

After I ran out of my first little bottle of Ratfish Liver Oil - I MISSED it! Having experienced that 'something more' that no other oil had ever provided, I desired to go further. I wanted to take more frequent, larger doses and apply more of it to my skin.

To this end, I got the large 50 ml bottle of Rosita Ratfish Liver Oil.

This latest experiment involves the following:

About 3 x per day, I take 6 drops of the oil under my tongue. At the same times, I gently massage approximately 6 - 8 drops of the oil under my eyes, across my cheekbones, between eyes and into forehead, also into lips and area surrounding them.

After a week on this routine, my face, teeth and lips feel more luxuriant, vital and well-nourished. The unexpected benefits include a richer, more 'well-oiled' feel becoming more felt as it expands deeper into my body. There is also an energetic shift. I feel subtly more robust, generally a bit happier, too.

My facial skin feels more plump and silky, with some smoothing out of fine lines. There is more 'glow' to my face, a rosiness in color that looks as though I just came in from the fresh outdoor air.

I also add 6 drops or so into my Testo-Cream for Women product that I use regularly across upper chest, neck, inner arms and inner thighs. Just those few drops of  Ratfish Liver Oil into my skin cream adds a further luscious silkiness everywhere it is applied.

A very interesting thing happened three weeks into using larger doses of Rosita Ratfish Liver Oil - it was a very physical as well as a very mystical experience.

One day, the presence of the magnificent Chimaera creature came to visit. I had a very palpable feeling of a luscious physical/energetic field overlaid on my own energy field. It was as though I and the fish were one, yet possessed all our own individuality as well.

It is as though luxuriating in a conscious experience of absorbing its oils had brought me in direct contact with its beingness...

This beautiful Ratfish Liver Oil continues to enrich my well-being in delightful ways!

Buy Rosita Ratfish Liver Oil

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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