The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Peak Health Coaching

Why May it be
Important for You?

You aspire to Peak Health; how do you tease out the truth from the hype?

Particularly when you are not feeling well, are in pain and want your life back - it is easy to cling to hope and glowing testimonials (a great many of which are fake, by the way), which are offered on so many websites.

As one experienced in searching for information during a health crisis, I know how utterly confusing it can be to discern what really is of value for you amongst the deluge of half-truths and advertising that is represented as scientific information.

Like you probably have, I bought scores of products, looking for help, only to be disappointed.

Additionally - I consulted with various holistic MD's and alternative health practitioners.

Some provided valuable insights, but none succeeded in helping me in a comprehensive way that transformed my quality of life.

I learned that I am responsible and capable of transforming my quality of life! 

My aim in coaching is to equip you with tools that can help you do the same.

All you need to add is your intention, inquisitiveness, fortitude, inspiration and to follow through with consistency.

If you are suffering, know that I have been in that same situation, searching for answers, confused. For me, getting to the truth - and telling it - is a priority above all else. I see this as vital to real healing.

Having worked one on one with people like you for 30 years, starting with my Rolfing practice, I naturally identify with you and what you are going through. This enables us to have a conversation that can lead to creative solutions.

Peak Health Coaching: Personal Relevance for YOUR Situation

There are a lot of 'one size fits all' ideas out there about healing.

Depending on the personal bias or product(s) being sold (MLM's - multi-level marketing schemes are notorious for this), you will be regaled with opinions that may be totally irrelevant for your personal concerns (or for that matter, possibly anyone else's as well).

Because I have a wide-ranging scope of areas of inquiry, AND in-depth personal experience with a long list of protocols, therapies and philosophies of healing, I am well-equipped to help you discover what's right for you. 

Peak Health Coaching: Focused and Respectful Attention

In your Peak Health Coaching session, I devote my full attention to your most urgent concerns. What transpires is a dialog between us, through which you gain a deeper, more profound understanding of your situation and your needs. You can then choose a more precise protocol for healing. 

Peak Health Coaching Puts You on the Leading Edge of my Research and Experience!

My learning curve is FAR ahead of my article writing. When you avail yourself of a Peak Health Coaching session, you get the benefit of my newest insights and research.

It takes time to organize, research and compose an article. I have 50+ articles in varying stages of completion which have yet to appear on the site.

A large part of my work involves constantly learning and trying new things. As well, I am always searching for more information to deepen my understanding of aspects of health into which I have already done much inquiry.

It is said 'you can never know everything about any subject,' but that doesn't stop me from trying  ;-) 

When you sign up for a coaching session, you are accessing information that is leading-edge; my newest research and experiments, the latest therapies and products I am trialling. 

Peak Health Coaching: Outside the Box!

One of my strong points: I am a creative thinker. In my own Peak Health journey, I experiment with unique and imaginative combinations of foods, compounds, products and techniques, many of which likely have never been tried before.

To this day, I continue to experiment with new ways of healing.

Peak Health Coaching Consultations Synopsis

What You DON'T Get:

1 - Advice on how to cure any condition, medical advice, psychological treatment or prescriptions for anything.

2 - Pressure to do anything. I respect your free will and simply encourage you to make choices and decisions that feel right to YOU.

What You DO Get:

1 - My total, focused, caring attention.

2 - Respectful listening.

3 - Access to the leading edge of my inquiry, research and experimentation with therapies and products. My learning curve is always WAY ahead of the information on my site.

4 - Because of my ability to 'think outside the box,' you likely will gain some new insights into long-standing issues.

5 - New tools for your personal healing toolbox - which can take the form of a new therapy, product, a new understanding of how your body works and what it needs or a new insight into a contributing factor in your situation.

6 - Ideas on ways to support your body's ability to do its own healing.

7 - Last but not least, integrity. For example, suggesting a simplified, less costly protocol when likely to be more effective. 

Peak Health Coaching Options

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated any of the statements on this website. Products offered on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information presented on this site is provided for informational purposes only; it is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice or diagnosis provided by your physician or other medical professional. If you have any health problem, please consult with a physician or health care provider before using any natural products. Peak Health Now and/or its product suppliers assume no liability for any injury, illness or adverse affects caused by the misuse and/or use of the information or products presented on this website.

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Throughout this website, statements are made pertaining to the properties and/or functions of food and/or nutritional products. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and these materials and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For all health and medical questions, please consult with your doctor. By viewing this site, you are stating that you agree with this disclaimer.


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