The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!
by Ellen Landauer
Do you know that depression detox is possible? Relief often can be achieved through body cleansing methods. I will explain the part that toxins play, and ways for you to feel happier and more energetic.
So many people are on prescription drugs because mood results from a number of factors, and one important influence is what is going on in your body! That's why drugs like Prozac work - sort of...
However, if you do one tenth of what I suggest in these pages, you will significantly relieve depression naturally!
PHOTO ABOVE: Culinary excellence courtesy of my Paleo Chef Extraordinaire husband.
Eggs from grassfed chickens contain an abundance of healthy fats, phospholipids, omega-3's, and protein - all needed to heal brain, nervous system, neurotransmitters and more.
Just to give you help right away, the first thing you can do is cut way down on refined sugar in all its forms. Candy, cakes, white sugar, all processed foods (many are laced with generous amounts of sugar).
Refined sugar is a real kill-joy! Did you know that...
many symptoms of deranged blood sugar are just like symptoms of various mental illnesses. Amazing, isn't it!
sugar damages brain chemistry and function in the same way that cocaine, heroin and opiates do?
Going further, substance abuse can be triggered by poor diet and blood sugar disturbances that leave people more susceptible to addiction.
In addition, it is devastating to cardiovascular health and increases risk of developing cancer.
Dr. Robert Atkins called sugar 'the most commonly consumed cancer-causing substance in the modern world.'
Cut out refined sugar and emphasize healthy fats, high-quality protein and dark green vegetables.
Choose satisfying, varied foods for your meals and snacks.
For example, rather than just having an apple, which is mostly carbs (good ones) and fiber, why not have an apple with raw aged cheddar cheese and a small handful of fresh walnuts?
The protein, fat and minerals such as calcium in the cheddar, and the omega-3 essential fatty acids, vitamin E and B-Vitamins in the walnuts, added to the apple's enzyme-rich carbohydrates, potassium, boron and other minerals will provide a full meal!
PLEASE - check out my in-depth article on Ketogenic Diet
Now, on to our discussion of how detox methods can help you feel more optimistic and energized...
Depression detox on physical, emotional and mental levels is important.
Toxins of all kinds cause damage of one kind or another. The more toxic we are, the worse we feel. Of course, it is possible to take drugs (pharmaceutical and non) to mask the discomfort.
BUT in the end, our lives are the worse for it.
Physical - such as heavy metals
Emotional - such as stressful/dysfunctional relationships or unhealthy workplace environment. Also includes too much focus on disturbing news stories - the world is often different than what is shown in the news - stress-inducing stories sell news...
Mental - such as illogical ways of rationalizing erroneous ideas, blindly accepting programming that is fed to us through media, school, etc.
DEPRESSION DETOX is important to prevent accelerated AGING!
Organ damage
Neurological damage
Hormonal disruption
Nutrient depletion
Immune system disruption and damage
PHOTO BELOW: Montiff full-spectrum Vitamins, Mineral and Amino Acids Packages support brain, nervous system, detox and bodily repair!
AVOID THESE: Sedentary life with too much sitting / sweeteners of any kind - especially artificial ones / processed foods / relationships that weaken you / too much time on computer, cell phone, i-pad, etc.
EMBRACE THESE: Exercise, especially outdoors plus weight training if suitable for you / paleo/ketogenic diet including lots of grass-fed meats, dairy, poultry, eggs / organic low-carb vegetables / reading a real book / quiet time in nature (or as close to it as you can get) / the company of people (and pets) that strengthen you.
PHOTO BELOW: 3 Fabulous EDTA Chelation Detoxification formulas.
Links to info on Medicardium / Xeneplex / Glytamins
Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.
She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy.
Ellen Landauer is also a PUBLISHED AUTHOR!
To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE
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