The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Male Potency Supplements

Can One Product Do It All?

Too many ads for male potency supplements make exaggerated claims.

Most misleading is the claim that buying one bottle of pills will do it all.

Additionally, the benefits are astronomically over-exaggerated.

My extensive investigation of many heavily marketed sexual performance pills and creams finds them sadly lacking.

Too little of certain ingredients and the use of fancy botanical names (Cinnamomum verum, which is just plain cinnamon, for example and has no real benefit as a sex enhancer), is common. Using powdered plant parts instead of a more powerful, concentrated herbal extract, countless companies sell them for a price more appropriate for a stronger formula.

Often, you see extremely well-crafted testimonials with photos of happy couples 'just like you and me,' sometimes even accompanied by recorded messages from the people giving 'real, unsolicited testimonials.'

Discrepancy of Opinions on Male Potency Supplements

Male potency supplements product websites sport hot, lurid testimonials proclaiming you will instantly (or almost instantly) acquire earth-shaking sexual prowess...

...but real men on discussion forums tell another story.

I have spent much time reviewing comments on products with names like VigRx, Zenerx, and Magna Rx+ on forums where men discuss erectile dysfunction and how to boost sexual performance. Complaints of little or no results, or side effects like headaches and nausea from too much of certain herbs like yohimbe - are the rule.

Not only that, but some products reported to induce harder erections illegally include in their formulas thiomethisosildenafil, a copy of the active substance in Viagra! One such product was 'Viapro,' which was changed to 'Ziapro' after the FDA prevailed on the company to remove the offending drug (an instance where the FDA is looking out for the good of the people - or - maybe just the interests of the companies that sell drugs like Viagra).

Male Potency Supplements Should Provide a Solid Foundation of Support

I can't emphasize enough that the many splendored nuances of erectile potency depend on a myriad of biochemical, physical and emotional functions!

In some instances, a single nutritional compound can be used to good effect short-term:

For example: If your Testosterone level is good, and you simply want to boost erectile potency, sometimes a single nutrient such as Arginine can have immediate results (within days - one client reported next morning results).

You have to know dosage, when and how to take it. Also any contraindications (in the case of Arginine, herpes would necessitate taking Lysine to prevent outbreak - or even to select an entirely different product to accomplish the nitric oxide boosting for which Arginine is famous).

In another kind of situation, something different is required; for a man with BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), a product that helps to reduce inflammation and improves testosterone production and integrity, is needed.

While a single nutrient or formula can offer a temporary boost, a broad, multi-faceted approach is the most desirable for a long-term program.

For example, I would suggest that a compound like Arginine be only used short-term - or only a couple of days per week. If used more than a few weeks, any large dose of a single compound can have an unbalancing effect.

In addition, the great immediate results often subside with continued, consistent use - so 'cycling' on and off certain of the supplements is the only way to keep getting the results you want. (I will explain more about this in another article, soon)!

In the above example, if Arginine is used more than a few weeks, a full-spectrum amino acid product should be added to balance it.

If you have erectile dysfunction, make sure to see your doctor to rule out any serious problems that need urgent attention.

A generally healthy lifestyle is a must. With that foundation, you can then benefit from male potency supplements.

Male Potency Supplements: a Comprehensive Program

What must male potency supplements do in order to provide you effective, full-spectrum support?

1 - Maintain Healthy Testosterone Levels:

Maintaining healthy levels of testosterone entails two things: achieving optimal production of testosterone and preventing the break down of testosterone into di-hydro testosterone or its conversion to estrogen.

2 - Nitric Oxide production: Nitric Oxide (NO), is also called endothelial relaxing factor (EDRF).

Nitric oxide is a small molecule made from Arginine. It plays an essential role in the regulation of vascular homeostasis, tone and blood pressure, modulates cardiac contractility (i.e. helps to regulate how hard the heart muscle pumps).

Nitric oxide helps relax your whole vascular system, including the capillaries leading into the corpus cavernosum of the penis. Sexual excitement actually requires a relaxation response. Nitric oxide plays a big part in that.

Other benefits of nitric oxide include helping to prevent blood vessel injury and Atherosclerosis. It is an important free radical scavenger, preventing the oxidative stress (free radical damage) which creates injury to endothelial cells (the cells lining the inside walls of the blood vessels).

Which male potency supplements are REAL professional quality formulas with integrity?

Here are MY favorites...

Male Potency Supplements: My Top Picks

Articles Below Will Save You Time, Money and Misery

Male potency supplements are one of the most scam-infested segments of nutritional products available. Companies take full advantage of your worthy desire for a healthy love life.

These articles will save you the consternation of dealing with such shady outfits.

You deserve MUCH better!

Male Enhancement Capsules Scams

Beat Erectile Dysfunction

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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