The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!
by Ellen Landauer
These Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories experiences are a perfect example of how a great product can show its worth despite doubts on the part of someone trying it for the very first time.
Lisa's adventuresome spirit and determination to restore health are inspiring. You will notice she has contributed comments on other subjects in these pages as well.
I am heartened by her courage and willingness to share, enthusiastically following her progress of healing from very devastating conditions.
Hi Lisa,
Just want to check how you are doing with the Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories.
Hope all is well.
Sincerely, Ellen
Lisa's experience has not yet commenced...
Hi Ellen,
I have been a chicken. I haven’t taken it yet. I was going to do the other night. I went through a really stressful week and was struggling so I had decided to wait.
Do you want to know a weird thing: my symptoms are exactly what has to do with the gallbladder and the liver organs in Chinese medicine. I was looking up the meridians for those organs and corresponded with many pain areas.
I know that I have heavy metals still and I think that is where the Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories will come in. As I continue to do my coffee enemas and try to resolve gallbladder issues, things are slowly improving. Its amazing how important the bile is and when that gets mucked up—how things really take a downward spiral.
Thanks for your email. I will contact you when I try it.
Hi Ellen,
Well, I wanted you to be the first person to tell about the Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories. First, I want to say thank you for being so knowledgable and trying to help people like me.
I tried it last night and to be honest, I was scared. Nothing really happened that night. When I woke up this morning, the first thing that I noticed was the tightness in my neck was diminished greatly. Not completely gone but almost felt normal. And I felt pretty good.
I feel a little better mentally too. I was never a negative person but I think I started to become one. My friends kept telling me to think more positive. I think personally it was I was not feeling well for so long and maybe the heavy metals in my body created negative thinking but the nature of toxicity. I am not sure. Maybe you would know that by your experience.
I do have a question. I think that I will take it every 3 days. Should I take the it, then skip 2 days, then take it. Or skip 3 days. Its says every 3 days. Like thurs night, then take it Sunday night? Thanks Ellen, I will keep you informed of my progress.
- Lisa
Hi Ellen,
May I ask you about Medicardium EDTA Chelation Suppositories?
I started taking oral EDTA about a month ago. I am happy to rid my poor body of any and all toxins, but my main concern for chelation has always been mercury. I've been using lots of garlic, cilantro, and chlorella for a few years toward that end. I didn't realize until I recently began reading here and there about chelation that EDTA is not as effective as DMSA for chelating mercury.
One protocol suggests first doing treatments with DMSA and then switching to EDTA. Are you familiar with Andy Cutler's protocol for chelation? It's worth looking into if you haven't. You can get information from
Might you have thoughts with regard to chelating mercury? Should I, for example, freeze the Medicardium and use it after using DMSA a while?
Thank you very much!!
Most sincerely,
Patrice Noma
Hi Ellen
I just read your email to Patrice about the different chelators or mobilizers. I agree with you.
I took chorella faithfully when getting my teeth done and my mercury fillings removed. I feel it really did nothing and I got sick after the work done on my teeth.
What I wanted to tell you for more feedback is: I always would get a metal taste in my mouth the day after the coffee enemas. I figured something metal was being mobilized in my body after the coffee enema. Well, what I noticed now is that I do not get the metal taste anymore but my symptoms do come back about 24 hours after the coffee enema.
These are my thoughts: I think that if you are very toxic with mercury and other toxicities in your liver, the coffee enema mobilizes them out into your intestines and some do not get out completely.
If its heavy metals, its SO IMPORTANT to have a chelator like the Medicardium. I am going to do the Medicardium every other day to see if I can avoid symptoms and help my body continue to rid of the toxicities.
My Comments on Lisa's Medicardium experience, and some ideas on mercury detoxification:
Hi Lisa,
Good observations - thanks for the feedback. I will likely post it as I think, like many of your other observations, it can help others.
Do you think the Medicardium was a factor in eliminating the metal taste? Curious to know...
Metal detox is tricky; I've had similar experiences. I found that the more consistently I assisted the flow of mercury and other toxins out of my body, the less symptoms I had and the better I felt.
Colon cleansing, coffee enema and of course EDTA chelation suppositories were what worked for me.
My Medicardium experiences took it to a whole new level.
When one has a serious toxic burden of mercury, one, it takes time to eliminate; two, the right chelator can grab securely onto the mercury and carry it all the way out.
Ideally, mercury detox should happen through the colon. Spencer Feldman discovered that the EDTA actually WAS carrying the mercury out the bowel, not the kidneys.
Other researchers were saying that EDTA does not chelate mercury - because they were looking for it in the wrong place - the urine. When one is doing an ideal protocol, mercury will exit through the bowel.
If too much mercury is released from the tissues at once, it can spill over into the kidneys to be eliminated.
Spencer Feldman told me this is not a good idea - which is why the Medicardium has only 365 mg of Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA. He wanted to make absolutely sure it could never harm anyone. A doctor once reported to him that a patient with only ONE kidney used Medicardium with excellent results and no problems!!
The kidneys are very delicate and difficult to heal, whereas the cells of the bowel wall are continually renewing every few days. Much better for toxins to leave through bowel, so slow and sure is best.
Thanks, Lisa, for your excellent observations!
Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.
She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy.
Ellen Landauer is also a PUBLISHED AUTHOR!
To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE
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