The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Low Carb Diet Super Foods

Low carb diet superfoods help many people lose weight and have more energy. Many of the top 10 are the ones you wanted to eat but were told are 'bad' for you.

Like these...

Pasture raised cows provide the best raw milk, cream, butter and cheese.

Photo: Raw Jersey Cream, raw homemade butter, and raw Jersey Cheese, all from grass fed cows at a local farm.

Low Carb Diet Super Food: Pasture Raised Beef and Lamb

Pasture raised beef and lamb are a highly concentrated source of some of the healthiest vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and other compounds found in plants!

How is that..?

Because these animals eat copious quantities of incredibly nutrient dense greens!

By a process called 'biological magnification,' these nutrients build up in the animals' tissues, becoming much more concentrated than they are in the plants!

Pasture-fed livestock are great concentrators of the rich array of beneficial compounds in what is essentially wild plant material - tough grasses that are hell to get out of a garden, wildflowers, berry plants, and herbs that are always trying to get a foothold in the grasslands, plus the bark, leaves and twigs they strip off trees.

These plants are FAR more full of beneficial compounds than anything humans have domesticated! And we humans can’t digest that stuff!

We can't even chew much of it! Imagine grabbing a handful of crab grass, some bark off a maple tree and a bunch of red clover plants and stuffing it in your mouth. Even if you COULD chew and swallow it, most of it would exit the other end in about the same shape as it was swallowed.

All those powerful phytonutrients are transformed by pasture raised animals into a form that is VERY easy for us to absorb! Pasture raised meats are actually healthier than commercially raised organic for a variety of reasons.

One of the most important is that commercially raised organic meats that you typically find in health food supermarkets are LOADED with mycotoxins which accumulate in the animals' tissues from the feeding of grains. The feed grains used for commercial livestock (assuming they get food that is even THAT good) is not fit for humans, spoiled and moldy.

Additionally, grass fed beef and lamb are considerably higher in omega-3 essential fatty acids, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid, Vitamins A and D, Vitamin E (chlorophyll rich foods contain natural Vitamin E) and other nutrients.

Pasture raised beef

Low Carb Diet Super Food: Raw Organic Grass Fed Dairy Products

Raw milk, butter and cheeses from grass fed cows, goats, and sheep is one of the healthiest foods for a low carb diet.

Cholesterol, one of the most maligned nutrients has important benefits. Did you know that consumption of cholesterol is important for keeping the membranes surrounding every one of your cells strong and healthy?

Sex hormones are made from cholesterol!

Bile which balances pH in the gut, carries toxins out of the body, prevents constipation by stimulating peristalsis, and more is made from - you guessed it - cholesterol!

Low Carb Diet: Raw Dairy Nutrition and Cleanliness Issues

Raw milk, cream, butter and cheese from grass fed cows and goats is MUCH safer than pasteurized dairy!


Cows are outdoors on clean grass rather than up to their knees in manure in a dirty barn. They are never fed hormone-laced moldy grains and garbage given to commercially raised animals.

Chlorophyll rich grass increases omega-3 content of the milk. Raw, organic grass fed milk contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), higher vitamin A and D and many other nutrients not naturally abundant in factory produced milk.

Because it contains beneficial lactic-acid bacteria that destroy harmful microorganisms. Experiments in which salmonella and other harmful bacteria were added to raw milk showed that the disease-producing bacteria DISAPPEARED after a day or so.


They were completely destroyed by the lactic-acid bacteria in the raw milk.

Pasteurized milk, on the other hand, is vulnerable to whatever floats into it from the air. Left at room temperature for a day, or even in the refrigerator beyond its expiration date, it rots. Sipping even a bit of it can make you VERY sick!

Low Carb Diet Super Food:
Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon

Wild-caught salmon for omega-3's

Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon is replete with EPA,DHA and Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids:

Omega-3's make the membranes of all your cells stronger and more FLEXIBLE.

When red and white blood cells become more flexible, they pass easier through the tiniest capillaries, improving micro-circulation. This improves health of brain and nervous system as well as all other organs. Because excellent blood flow is vital for detoxification, omega-3's indirectly help.

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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