The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Lemon Olive Oil Cleanse

Lemon olive oil cleanse instructions a variety of ways from mild to wild.

I have done half a dozen different liver gallbladder cleanse variations. The two methods described below are the simplest and easiest. 

For the 'wild' version, you would need a lot more time and supplies, so start simply and go from there!

Having performed lemon olive oil detoxification numerous times and researched the different variations, I find them to be safe, with varying degrees of effectiveness.

None of this information constitutes medical advice, and you as an individual will find both similarities and differences in your experience of liver gallbladder flush as compared to other people.

Lemon Olive Oil Cleanse Instructions Prerequisites

I strongly suggest that you DO NOT do any of these cleanses unless you are living a reasonably healthy lifestyle. You don't have to be perfect, just eating mostly whole foods, getting some exercise and sufficient sleep.

NOTE: I have seen too many people living an unhealthy lifestyle decide to do an extreme fast or cleanse. There are no shortcuts to real health! Taking sudden and extreme action could make you feel worse, not better.

Some of the methods described below are milder and good if you are just starting to get into detoxification.

You might want to do my 10 Minute Quick Morning Detox Routine for a few weeks before moving on to a lemon olive oil cleanse.

If you want to do the ADVANCED liver-gallbladder flush, it is important to do the following first:

Detox diet: Detox diet doesn't necessarily mean eating only raw plant foods. Fresh whole foods can include organic dark greens, raw dairy, pasture-raised poultry and eggs and grass fed meats.

Did you know that carbs cause inflammation? The less carbs, the better! Ketogenic diet is a species-appropriate diet for humans (as well as our feline and canine companions)!

Exercise: Having a strong and limber body will give you the body awareness and body mobility that will facilitate better elimination.

Abdominal exercises: tone and activate your digestive organs.

Colon cleansing: This pathway of elimination must be working efficiently to quickly eliminate toxins that get released. If your colon is clogged, an intense lemon olive oil cleanse could make you wish you hadn't done it!

Prepare the way first!

Lemon Olive Oil Cleanse Instructions Precautions

1 - Protect your teeth from citrus acids as they are VERY corrosive to healthy teeth!

Raw food vegans are especially at risk because they are not getting an abundance of minerals and high-vitamin animal fats containing Vitamin A and D. Anyone eating a large amount of citrus would be wise to take precautions.

Keep some baking soda handy. Immediately after taking your cleansing drink, dip a wet toothbrush in a small amount of baking soda and run the brush over all your teeth.

The alkalinity of the baking soda will NEUTRALIZE the citrus acids on your teeth and your mouth will feel a LOT better. (Rinse your mouth after brushing: DO NOT swallow baking soda).

2 - Do your detox on a day when you do not have anything much to do the day or two after. While you MAY feel great right after, there is also the chance you may be tired or still processing the detox procedure.

Lemon Olive Oil Cleanse Instructions:
Detox # 1

Morning Drink:

It is good to have an early, light dinner before this easy cleanse.

Ingredients: 1/2 Red Grapefruit, 1/4 small lemon, small clove grated garlic (if you are not going anywhere), 1 - 2 Tablespoons first cold-pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Cut the half grapefruit in 4 slices and cut the rind off. Slice lemon and do the same. Throw the chunks of citrus in the blender. Add grated garlic (optional) and olive oil.

Blend at low speed and drink. The lemon and grapefruit pulp contains bioflavinoids (Vitamin C complex), but if you prefer to strain pulp out, do so.

Wait 1 hour before eating.

Lemon Olive Oil Cleanse Instructions: Detox # 2

This is simply the next logical step using the above recipe. It is a short (2 - 3 day) fast. The grapefruit lemon olive oil drink is taken morning and evening and in between, herb teas, vegetable broth and raw vegetable juice provide sustenance.

The day before and day after such a cleanse, eat lightly - mostly raw salads, a little protein, and raw fruits. 

My FAVORITE Liver Gallbladder Flush 

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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