The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Bile, Parasites and Candida

Do you know that...

Healthy bile flow is your strongest defense against parasites and candida!

It also helps prevent auto-immune disorders (which commonly begin in the gut). Here's how...

PHOTO ABOVE: Glytamins detoxification suppositories eliminate the need for labor-intensive lemon/olive oil liver cleanse.

Bile Normalizes Acid Alkaline Balance (pH)!

In order to digest protein, the gastric mucosa of our stomach secretes HCI (hydrochloric acid). While the lining of the stomach has a mucoid protective layer, our intestines don't.

Bile, with its VERY alkaline (pH 9.5), prevents damage to the lining of the intestines by neutralizing hydrochloric acid!

By balancing the pH, bile works against candida and parasites in two ways:

1 - A less acid environment discourages candida overgrowth and parasitic infestation.

2 - Because it keeps the gut lining safe from stomach acids, the intestinal tissues are strong and less susceptible to parasitic damage.

IMPORTANT! Don't be deceived into believing the hype about foods such as pasture raised meats and dairy, free range eggs and wild-caught deep sea fish being 'acid forming'. Our bodies are designed to self-regulate acid-alkaline balance.

Foods derived from (pasture-raised) animals contain the healthy fats needed to manufacture an abundance of that alkaline bile!

Herbal Remedies and
Bile Parasites Candida

Bile, parasites, candida - how are these affected by anti-fungal and anti-bacterial herbs?

There are many herbal remedies for fungal infections in the gut. 

Some, like black walnut and wormwood stimulate gallbladder flow. But they are mildly toxic and can be somewhat irritating to the lining of the gut.

Nearly all herbal cleanses tend to be mildly toxic and/or irritating. Therefore, you cannot use them on a regular daily basis.

Herbs used for parasite cleanse products kill probiotics (healthy bacteria in the gut). Remedies like oregano oil and herbal parasite cleanses if used too much, kill too many beneficial probiotic bacteria in the gut.

Over time, regular use of such herbs tends to worsen the very situation you are trying to correct. Oregano oil and other strong aromatic herbs are antiseptic (kill bacteria) and they don't discriminate between e-coli or other harmful pathogens and good probiotic bacteria like acidophilus and bifido bacteria.

Wouldn't it be nice if there were safer, more effective ways to improve bile flow?

And wouldn't it be wonderful if these methods had more comprehensive benefits than herbs?

Herbal  cleanses tend to be mildly toxic and/or irritating. Therefore, you cannot use them on a regular daily basis.

Remedies like oregano oil and herbal cleanses if used too much, kill too many beneficial probiotic bacteria in the gut.

Over time, regular use of such herbs tends to worsen the very situation you are trying to correct!

Oregano oil and other strong aromatic herbs are antiseptic (kill bacteria) and they don't discriminate between e-coli or other harmful pathogens and good probiotic bacteria like acidophilus and bifido bacteria.

Bile Destroys Candida Yeast, Parasites and Bad Bacteria

Always remember that by improving bile flow, you may solve a lot of problems at once - candida, parasites, constipation, poor fat digestion, low energy and more.

You can take herbal parasite cleanses for years and never solve the underlying problem.

Improve bile production and flow, and many issues will resolve themselves!

The Incredible Benefits of Healthy Bile Flow!

Effective, Easy Liver/Gallbladder/Bile Flow Support (supplement)

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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