The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Coffee Enemas Experiences:

Coffee enemas experiences shared by my readers attest to a side benefit of this powerful, proven liver detoxification method...

feeling fantastic!

This proven therapy is described in glowing terms by my readers and clients who love the way it makes them feel - and its many benefits.


Buy Gold Roast Coffee now

As Powerful as a Russian Sauna!

One male reader, from Russia, has this to say:

"I just wanted to share with you that the way I feel after coffee enemas very much resembles the way I feel after Russian sauna.  I am Russian and it is tradition in Russia to do heavy duty sauna once a week for those who have access to it.  It is nothing like you have seen in US. 

It is extremely HOT inside the sauna and you sweat a lot then you come out and go under ice cold shower and then you come back to sauna and do that few times back and forth. 

After you are done you feel your body becomes so light you are almost flying.  We say that you feel like you were just born. 

So when I did my first coffee enemas, I realized that this feeling is very familiar, though I haven't done sauna for years!  I thought you might be interested to know that."

My rejoinder: "I very much enjoyed your description of how Russian sauna feels and how similar you feel after coffee enemas! Were you born in Russia? I love hearing about the health customs from other countries!

Maybe Russian sauna is like North American Indian sweat lodge - in my rural New England community, some neighbors would build a lodge from tree branches, put heavy blankets over, hot rocks inside - even in winter we did sauna.

My husband and I always feel 'reborn' after coffee enemas, same as you describe.

We consistently find the best experiences result from using a roast made expressly for cleansing:

Buy Gold Roast Coffee now

Getting Rid of Gallstones...

A male client of mine who is healing from mercury toxicity has this to say:

"I have started coffee enimas and each time about 10 -15 green soft stones have come out which i was happy with."

Coffee Enemas After Refusing Surgery

A dramatic story...

Coffee enemas helped this man regain his youthful vigor...

"In 1978 I went to the emergency room with abdominal pains...the docs wanted to take out a few inches of my colon... I said no and went to the all night drug store and bought an enema bag...went home and gave myself enemas using 20 bags of water...up and down...

Went running the next day...the medical establishment is corrupt and incompetent!

I started using coffee enemas about 10 years ago with great success...super health but of course I eat almost total raw veggies and fruits.

Age 76 with the same body I had in high school. You are providing a great service..."

Coffee Enemas: Turning Back the Clock

One of my woman readers shares about how this therapy is her beauty secret...


"I think you will be amused by this...

I went to a Christmas party last night.

Unexpectedly, I got a great compliment from a guy who knows me here.

He said that he did not recognize me and that I look SO YOUNG. I am not old. So he says, what did you do? He also knows that I had some serious health issues in the last few years. I said, 'Well, since I have been sick, I had to take a lot of vitamins, minerals bone and joint to help my healing.

I smiled because only if he really knew what I did in the past year which REALLY made me feel better (COFFEE ENEMAS)! Does anyone else want to try coffee enemas?

I have to admit I do love my Coffee enemas. They have become one of my favorite things. I wonder if Julie Andrews could sing that in sound of music? Just teasing. Lol."


Coffee Enemas Provide a GREAT Natural High!

Another male client writes:

"The coffee enemas provide a GREAT natural high!" It feels like they open my body up from the inside. My cells feel like they are dancing and happy. 

I first tried an organic light roast made for drinking, from a health store and that worked well; however, that special coffee you recommended seems to provide a more comprehensive and refined vibration. It opens me up even more. 

I simply use an enema syringe instead of a enema bag. It takes about 30 seconds to shoot it up my rear - quick and easy. 

Your suggestion of adding the glutathione was great! I got the one from your site and found that adding about 3 grams or so of pure glutathione powder to the coffee just before filling the syringe doubles the effectiveness.

Thanks Ellen For Educating Me About This Natural Rejuvenating Procedure,

My comment: The coffee by itself stimulates mostly the enzymatic component (S-transferase) of the process. Adding the glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants and detoxifiers, enhances both the therapeutic effects AND the profoundness of coffee enemas experiences.

Buy the BEST Glutathione: Special Pricing - Freshness and Potency Guaranteed

Coffee Enemas Experiences Enhanced With Roast Made Specifically for This Therapy!

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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The BEST Enema Coffee!

Profoundly relaxing, deeply therapeutic... For a Peak Coffee Enema experience, get this fabulous Gold Roast Coffee made expressly for enema use.

Buy Gold Roast Coffee now

Coffee Enema on Steroids!

BEST Glutathione for You...

Adding 1/4 - 3/4 teaspoon of the most potent and pure Glutathione, raises your coffee enema experience to a whole new level. For increased therapeutic benefit and relaxation, here is my recipe for

Coffee Enema on Steroids!

What if You Want to Do Coffee Enema But Have NO Time!?


is a concentrated organic coffee suppository.

You get added benefits from the Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA and Glutathione in this carefully crafted formula!

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