The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Boost Your Low Testosterone:

Increase Male Potency, Libido and Vitality!

To boost your low testosterone requires a comprehensive approach for lasting results. 

Erectile dysfunction, low libido, lack of endurance both sexual and athletic, lowered confidence and depression are only part of a long list of signs that you may need to boost your low testosterone.

If you have any of those problems, you likely are eager for a quick fix. But that is what gets people into MORE trouble, often taking risky drugs like Viagra. More often than not, the sexual experience resulting from such drugs is not as satisfying as one resulting from natural male potency and vitality. 

It may be tempting to take a shortcut - for example an herbal supplement containing Yohimbe. Generally, I don't recommend Yohimbe because of common side effects like racing heart and headache (not very conducive to a night of passion)! 

While there are some things you CAN do to make a 'fast start' more possible, ultimately you are much more likely to triumph with a program that has a solid foundation. Without a firm base, fancy supplements will only be stacked on a house of cards.

You may find supplements that boost nitric oxide and supplements that boost DHT - the ACTIVE form of Testosterone to increase libido and male potency quickly, as reported by some of my male clients. 

However, in the name of professionalism and honesty, I prefer to err on the side of conservatism and encourage you to lay a strong foundation for best results.

What are the Steps to Boost Your Low Testosterone? 

What do you need to do to achieve and maintain optimal masculine vitality? There are several bases that need to be covered. You likely will end up doing several of them at the same time. 

Let's break it down… 

Build up and BALANCE the nutrients in your body / Build your body's athletic capacity / Avoid 'Male Potency Killers' / Detoxify

1) Build: Likely your body needs some initial support before moving on to doing a lot of what I describe below this section. 

Super Male Potency Diet

What you eat is part of the solid base upon which you will build to manifest your male vitality.

Boost your low testosterone with more protein and healthy fats - real man food such as beef, eggs, lamb, chicken, fish.

To avoid feminizing hormones, harmful antibiotics and chemicals, eat grass fed meats and stay away from factory-farmed. 

More fresh, raw dark greens such as parsley, Romaine lettuce and cilantro - rich in magnesium and other minerals, cleansing chlorophyll and vitamins.

Boost Your Low Testosterone With a Sound Exercise Program 

PHOTO BELOW: Super workout motivational formula. When I do this one, I tear up the gym!

Super workout supplements for you!

Build your body's athletic capacity with moderate endurance exercise, interval training (alternating high and low intensity in a single short workout - very efficient) / weight training / stretching.

Did you know that moderate to high intensity exercise increases your nitric oxide production? In my research on nitric oxide, I learned a fact you also may find fascinating…

During exercise, the shearing forces of the blood flow act on the endothelium (blood vessel lining) to cause the release of calcium. The calcium activates the production of NO (nitric oxide). 

Fascinating, yes? 

A solid exercise program is foundational for boosting your low testosterone. As an added bonus, it will increase nitric oxide production, too!

NOTE: My personal experience (women benefit from nitric oxide, too) is that long, moderate endurance workouts (long-distance running, swimming, biking, etc.) are not nearly as beneficial as shorter, more intense workouts. Interval training - alternating fast, high-intensity running, swimming, etc. with slow, easy pace will leave you feeling more invigorated than a moderate session in which you don't vary the pace.

Also, intense weight training in which you effort, then take a little break, repeatedly - is also a great Testosterone booster!

Boost Your Low Testosterone by Avoiding Male Potency Killers! 

What you DON'T eat, drink (and smoke) is at least as important as any other aspect of boosting your low testosterone! 

Alcohol, marijuana and other street drugs, tobacco, sugar and many prescription drugs should be booted out of your life if you are determined to be vibrantly potent. You may see other men getting away with such things, but over time, the vast majority of them will lose.

You may want to start with the building part of this program and gradually refuse to include the above male potency killers. The stronger and better you feel inside, the less need you should have for things that destroy your drive. 

You may be interested to know that detoxifying your body on a regular basis can minimize or end cravings for unhealthy substances.

Detoxify to Boost Your Low Testosterone!  

Chemicals such as Xenoestrogens, mercury and other toxic metals, pthalates from plastics and halogens such as chlorine and bromine all compromise health. They are at the root of atherosclerosis, circulatory problems and hormonal abnormalities, among many other problems. 

Did you know that all of these poisons knock down your Testosterone production or trigger processes in your body that destroy T?

This is why detoxification is an essential part of boosting your low testosterone!

A most convenient and effective way to detoxify from environmental poisons is the use of detoxification suppositories for a well-rounded detox program. 

For added benefit, EDTA contained in these powerful formulas increases nitric oxide production.

PHOTO ABOVE: Super Detox 3-pack: Medicardium / Xeneplex / Glytamins  BUY 3-PACK HERE

Boost Your Low Testosterone with Tongkat Ali!

My Hands-Down Favorite Nitric Oxide Booster 

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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