Carothers Olive Oil

Carothers olive oil is the best I ever found!

Over 30 years ago, I bought it for the first time...

Vacationing with friends in the rural, rustic southern Vermont town of Wilmington, my favorite place to go after a long day at the lake was the Klara Simpla health food store. This cozy, old-fashioned natural food apothecary, had a book collection second to none, and an incredible array of the healthiest foods on the planet. On rainy days, it was a browsing haven that could keep me occupied for hours.

Among exotically colored beans, grains and herbs in a motley selection of hand-labeled recycled glass jars, pint-sized tins of Carothers olive oil were advertised as 'the purest and freshest extra virgin olive oil.' Ornate, turquoise and green labels (still the same to this day) beckoned a promise of quality...

New to whole foods, imbued with adventuresome exploratory zest, of course I had to buy it.

A Transformative Experience!

Chlorophyll-rich, low acid and completely raw, Carothers olive oil has a fresh, smooth, full-bodied flavor evoking a depth of quality I never before experienced.

Carothers' is exceptionally rich, buttery, vibrant and fresh tasting without the acrid, burning aftertaste of other olive oils. Consuming generous amounts of it gives the luxuriant feeling that every cell in my body is quite literally 'well-oiled.'

Today, my experience of Carothers olive oil quality remains unmatched by the many other brands I've tried.

Carothers Olive Oil for Natural Food Preparation

Back in the 1970's, I taught natural food preparation. Classes included, of course, the grand finale - my students and I sitting down to dine on our creations.

When I introduced Carothers' to my group, no matter what the menu, I could do no wrong! Everyone marveled that it was the best olive oil they ever tasted.

Expert chefs know that the most impressive culinary creations start with the finest quality individual ingredients. My students' rave reviews taught me what a difference one ingredient can make in the taste of a dish. Such experiences formed the roots of my endless passion for finding the very best foods and supplements.

Carothers Olive Oil Even Makes WEEDS Taste Great!

One seminar I taught regularly back then was a full day 'Wild Vegetable Hike.'

The first part of the day, my intrepid students and I wandered nearby woods and fields, collecting a large assortment of edible weeds. Dandelion (leaves, buds and roots), purslane, wild scallions, lambsquarters, wild mint, red root, wild carrot, parsnip and burdock roots, inky cap mushrooms and other so-called 'wild vegetables' were brought home and thoroughly rinsed.

The challenge was to transform a gritty pile of leaves and roots that look like cow fodder - into a gourmet meal...

You see, I promised my students that I would show them how to make dinner from a bunch of weeds - not adding any store bought vegetables or other foods. Only condiments such as oil, salt and pepper would be added.

Carothers olive oil was my 'ace in the hole.' Add enough of the best olive oil to weed salad and weed stir-fry and - voila! - a gourmet dinner!

Carothers Olive Oil is Not Easy to Find!

Carothers olive oil is a staple in my diet, my favorite by far.

Naturally I was disappointed if I could not obtain it. Carothers' is a small, family-run company and not widely distributed. For that reason, it was not always possible to find this remarkable olive oil.

Every time I vacationed in Vermont, I stocked up.

There came a time when my travels did not take me up to Vermont. None of the health stores in my local area carried Carothers'.

For years, I experimented with other promising-looking brands - all of them said 'first cold-pressed, extra virgin.' Many had lovely descriptions of how painstaking their attention to quality from olive tree to bottling.

Try as I might to find another to equal Carothers olive oil, I could not even come close.

A parade of top gourmet brands auditioned for the part...

...alas, providing a consistently disappointing experience. Time after time my nose wrinkled as a 'peppery' aftertaste gave an unpleasant finish to an already mediocre experience...

Fifty-Plus Years of Uncompromising Quality

Happily, I once again luxuriate in the fabulous taste and health benefits of Carothers olive oil. Over 30 years from my first taste, it remains my gold standard of quality.

This queen of all 'Mediterranean Gold' is very carefully selected from the offerings of a few very knowledgeable, reputable growers. A small, family-run company, Carothers' standards of excellence remain uncompromising in an age when olive oil scams are a dime a dozen.

Not many people know Carothers Olive Oil, because they aren't a mass producer, not widely distributed.

The Carothers Olive Oil company has been in business for over 50 years.

That alone is reason to stop and take notice..!

Are You Asking the Question...

Where Can I Get Carothers Olive Oil?

Apologies if you have come to this page looking for the best olive oil - sadly, Carothers went out of business.

Before the last owner took over, the company was down for awhile and I searched and found Bariani Olive oil. I Got some samples from them and they tasted VERY fresh and delicious - a world apart from what you find at Whole Foods. All those homey looking 'estate grown' products on health food store shelves were quite a disappointment. But not Bariani - I think you will like their product. 

Do let me know what you think of their olive oil.

Best Wishes, Ellen

Ellen Landauer

Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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