The safest, most effective therapies for optimal health!

by Ellen Landauer

Fibromyalgia and
Treatment Options

Fibromyalgia and treatment is a question I am all too familiar with. 

I was diagnosed (by an MD familiar with fibro), with this disorder, as well as chronic fatigue, over 12 years ago. 

I no longer have either condition. 

Doctors and drugs had nothing to do with my recovery. Research, research and more research, detox and more detox (including emotional cleansing), changing my whole life and refusing to give up are the basis of my return to vibrant health. 

Fibromyalgia and Treatment
Options Survey

Back when I was suffering and searching for information on fibromyalgia and treatment options, I created a survey to gather information on the issue and hopefully help other sufferers.

A long list of questions about participants' self-care program was included. Information on diet, exercise, supplements, detoxification; what drugs they were taking, what treatments helped and which didn't; exposure to toxins including dental amalgams; emotional issues and life stresses was requested. 

I got only a little over 116 participants and very little support from any prominent fibro groups (reasons discussed below). I did not have a large enough sample for statistical significance. However, I DID learn some things about fibromyalgia and treatment. Hopefully, what I learned from my survey participants will be useful for you.

What did I find out…?

In reading through the survey answers and comments by participants (over 95% of whom were women), I found two major groups with, for the most part, vastly different outcomes.

One group was more resigned to living a compromised life, or struggling and depressed. They tended to refer to themselves as fibromyalgia sufferers.

The other (a smaller number of participants) had recovered some significant measure of happiness, physical vitality and emotional pleasure. They did not label themselves as 'fibro sufferers.'

What factors were associated with the group who found a way to get their joy in life back?

Answers: The ones who were proactive about natural self-care, who took the least drugs and exhibited strength of will in the face of a debilitating condition, refusing to consider it a life sentence. They also were willing to express anger over their predicament rather than collapsing into depression and resignation. While anger, fighting spirit, depression, hope, etc. are experienced by most people with such challenges, it is the significant difference in proportion - which approaches predominate in those who succeed and those who seem not to be able to find a solution.

One of the most important qualities of those who beat back their disease is refusal to consider themselves victims, refusing to wallow for very long in self-pity and willingness to get out of denial and grow emotionally. This quality showed up both in their physical self-care efforts AND in their relationships; those who recovered had personal relationships with both family and friends that were loving, constructive and supportive. They were less likely to blame others for their problems. 

Another difference in the two groups was that the ones who made significant strides in recovery were much less willing to use conventional means of healing. They tended to 'think outside the box' about fibromyalgia and treatment.

Those who recovered also were less inclined to categorize themselves as a sufferer of a disease. Rather, they spoke of themselves as people who knew what it is to be happy and were clearly determined to heal.

Reader Question About
Fibromyalgia and Treatment Options

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Ellen Landauer is an expert with over 40 years in-depth study and experience of the safe and effective use of nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and detoxification methods.

She is Certified as an Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration body therapy developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf - also known as Rolfing. This hands-on therapy is the deepest, most comprehensive body alignment therapy. 

Ellen Landauer is also a  PUBLISHED AUTHOR!

To learn more about Ellen Landauer, see her detailed bio HERE


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